Erasmus+, Mladinska izmenjava: EVROPA MIRU

Rakičan, Slovenia: 28. 4. 2017 - 6. 5. 2017  


Evropa se trenutno srečuje s številni izrednimi situacijami, kot sta migrantska kriza in terorizem, kar jo korenito spreminja na različne načine. Mladi udeleženci projekta »Evropa miru« bomo skupaj raziskovali kako dogajanje vpliva na Evropo in njene prebivalce, hkrati pa bomo raziskovali kako se vrednote in načela EU uresničujejo v omenjenih situacijah. Podrobneje bomo spoznavali zgodovino, nastanek EU ter njeno ideologijo. Cilj projekta je aktivno udejstvovanje mladih v družbi, povezovanje mladih in omogočanje mladim izražati svoje mnenje, ga zastopati teh hkrati nam dajati možnost biti slišani. Ob vseh aktivnostih bomo izboljševali jezikovne kompetenca ter krepili sposobnosti dela v mednarodnem timu. Cilj je, da mladi udeleženci bolje spoznajo EU, njene vrednote in načela, zgodovino in dogodke, ki so vodili do povezovanja držav v unijo.

V projekt je vključenih 29 mladih udeležencev iz Nemčije, Italije, Romunije in Slovenije, v starosti od 17 do 30 let, vključeni smo tudi mladi z manj priložnostmi.

Predvidene metode dela so interaktivne ter kreativne delavnice, predstavitve, odprte diskusije, skupinsko delo, individualno delo, samorefleksije, diskusije, delitve primerov dobrih praks, neformalna druženja itd.

Mladi udeleženci bomo skozi aktivnosti spoznali nove ljudi z različnim narodnostnim, kulturnim ozadjem ter se ob tem učili sprejemati drugačnost. Krepili bomo jezikovne kompetence, samozavest, se povezovali z mladimi iz drugih držav ter krepili sposobnost dela v timskem delu. Podrobneje bomo spoznali ideologijo Evropske Unije, vrednote, ki nas kot unijo povezujejo in enotijo. S samo tematiko bomo postajali aktivnejši državljani EU z večjim zavedanjem vrednot EU in samega bistva unije.

Dodatne informacije za udeležence najdete TUKAJ - INFOSHEET.


Erasmus+, Youth Exchange: EUROPE OF PEACE

Rakičan, Slovenia: April 28, 2017 - May 6, 2017 


Europe is currently facing extraordinary situations such as the refugee/migrant crisis, as well as random acts of terrorism. The mentioned events are radically changing Europe. Young participants of the project bearing the title "Europe of Peace" will be jointly exploring how these events affect Europe and its citizens. Regarding the mentioned circumstances we will be researching how the EU values and principles are maintained and pursued. Young participants will learn more about the history of EU and about its development as well as the idea behind it.

The aim of this project is the active participation of young people in society. Young participants will get the chance to connect with other young people from different parts of Europe and voice their opinion on relevant issues.

Young participants will improve their linguistic competences as well as the ability to work in an international team. The aim of the project is to offer young participants the knowledge about EU, its values and principles, as well as the relevant history and events that led to the formation of the Union and the inclusion of countries.

The project involves 29 young participants from Germany, Italy, Romania and Slovenia who are 17 to 30 years old. We have also included young people with fewer opportunities.

Planned working methods include: interactive and creative workshops, presentations, open discussions, working in groups, individual work, self-reflection exercises, discussions, sharing examples of good practices, informal gatherings, etc.

Through different activities young participant will get to know new people with different ethnic and cultural background, thus learning to accept diversity. We will acquire knew knowledge regarding the ideology of the European Union and its values that unite and connect us. Talking about this topic will help us to become more active representatives of the EU and have a greater understanding of EU values and the core essence behind the European Union.

Additional information for participants are availabe HERE - INFOSHEET. 

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